Data displaying oddly on maps

CODAP Forums CODAP Help Forum Data displaying oddly on maps

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  • #5937 Score: 0
    Jacob Sagrans

    I created the following CODAP document and was puzzled by how data displays on the map.

    Specifically, if I select just March 12th in the table (without setting aside other days), I would expect to see just Androscoggin county highlighted on the map, with just a rate given for Androscoggin county, as there is no data for any of Maine’s other counties on that day. Instead, I see all the counties highlighted with the lightest color. At first I thought this meant that it would say the case rate was zero for all the other counties, but when I hover the mouse over a different county, I get a very small number for each county’s case rate.

    Where is this number coming from?

    If I set aside all days other than March 12th in the table, I get a map where only Androscoggin county is shown/has a case rate. But if possible I’d like to be able to just click on a date in the table without setting aside and see an accurate map for that day, as then I could more quickly go between different days on the map (or better yet, I would love to add a slider to add to map itself to quickly go backwards or forwards in time, although I don’t believe that functionality exists in CODAP).



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