Does a shared link expire?

CODAP Forums CODAP Help Forum Does a shared link expire?

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    I´m pretty new to CODAP and I want to use it for educational purposes.

    When I share a link to my CODAP document, is the link only valid for a certian amount of time before it expires and can´t be used anymore.

    I´m asking, because I was wondering if it would be necassary for me to create a new link at a certian time in order to keep my learning environment functionable?

    Thanks for your help and the great opportunity to use CODAP for free.

    Best regards

    Gerrit Loth

    Bill Finzer

    Hello Gerrit,

    Good question! Currently links to shared documents do not expire. We plan that in the future, if a shared link has not been accessed, that is, no one has used the shared link to open the document it points to, within a certain time period, it will expire. We haven’t yet determined what the time period within which the link must be accessed will be, but we know that teachers frequently create materials that are only used every other year, so it will be at least two years.

    I hope this answers your question.



    Hello Bill,

    thank you for your quick answer.

    Two years sounds like a good reasonable amount of time.



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