Fixing "Set Strategy"

CODAP Forums CODAP Help Forum Fixing "Set Strategy"


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  • #563 Score: 0
    Steen Groðe

    Playing Shuffleboard inside Codap seem to make the “Set strategy” inactive unless there is a trick I have not found.

    If that trick is not there couldn’t the functionality of “Set strategy” be implemented?

    The alternative is to fix the things that is not working if you just play Shuffleboard outside Codap The most important it that you cannot save your games. It used to be possible but some of the funtions in different menues just brings up greay areas and makes the game gui freeze.

    Steen Groðe

    Set strategy and autoplay are now working, but saving seems still not possible. I guess it is related to that you login as a guest instead of with your codap user.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Steen Groðe.
    Bill Finzer

    Hello Steen,

    I apologize for somehow missing your initial post. The data game Shuffleboard relied on communication between the game and CODAP that is no longer in effect, but we didn’t realize that it was broken.

    The game can be modified to work again. Meanwhile we’ll remove the game from the list at CODAP data interactives. Is that the site from which you were launching it? (There is another, older site that also lists it.)

    Shuffleboard never supported save and restore because it was designed for quite short interactions. That, too, could be remedied.


    Bill Finzer

    Steen Groðe

    I hardly dare tell where I let my students open the game from at the risc you will remove it. But yes, it was from that list I opened it. And somehow the version in that list was later than 1.1 (see later in this message) but would not allow me to save.

    Now I can open a version 2.0 (552) from a stored file I have on my google drive. But this version of the game doesn’t have a functional SetStrategy.

    I can also open an older version 1.1 but that does not have any option to save.

    So basically I would like to have both save and set strategy back.

    And as an end note: sometimes you hit magic (like Keith Richards putting three notes together in a very simple pattern) and the game Shuffleboard is one of those magic moments.

    Bill Finzer

    Hello Steen,

    Here is a link to Version 2.0 of the game, the one that doesn’t allow you to set a strategy (in case you lose the one you have saved on Google Drive).

    Your note about magic moments is highly motivating. I wish I could promise that I will be able to free up some resources to give you back what you desire. At least you have motivated me to put it high up on my “to do” list!


    Bill Finzer

    Hi again,

    Can you provide a link that opens Shuffleboard V1.1? I failed to find one 😬 and I want to remember exactly how Set Strategy works!

    Thanks, Bill

    Steen Groðe

    It will always be Shuffleboard v2.0 but the wrappings are different. The original packing can be found here
    There SetStrategy and Autoplay works, but then you cannot save.

    Bill Finzer


    Steen Groðe

    Looks like there is a duplicate message above that has been misplaced in this thread..

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