Hello everyone,
I am new to the CODAP platform which seems very promising.
I discovered that it was possible to group cases (rows) by value for one of the fields with the Transformer plugin. What I want to do is make a calculation (max, average…) on the values of each group (in SQL we say “apply an aggregate function on each group”)
For example, let’s consider the Mammals dataset provided with CODAP. What if I want to group the cases (rows) by Diet (hence creating three categories: plants, meat, both) and then, compute the average Mass of each group (average mass for those who eat plants, average mass of those who eat meat, average mass for those who eat both)?
In SQL, you could say SELECT Diet, AVG(Mass) FROM Mammals GROUP BY Diet
I hope my explainations are clear enough, English not being my mother tongue, do not hesitate is something isn’t clear enough.
Thanks to everyone who has read my message and is willing to help.
This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by
This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by
This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by