How retrieve slider after closing

CODAP Forums CODAP Help Forum How retrieve slider after closing


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    Jo Louie

    I’m working with some population data and I want to hide/remove individual cases who are under age 25. To do so, I followed a model in which I created a new “agefilter” variable designating people under age 25 as “young” and 25+ as “not young” by writing a formula that refers to a slider parameter that has been defined as  “age_threshold = 25.” After doing all this, I accidentally closed out of the slider. How do I get the slider back? It still seems to be in the CODAP document somewhere, because the values generated for the “agefilter” variable don’t disappear, and the “age_threshold” variable remains visible in the list of choices when I click on the “Insert Value” button within the slider.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Jo Louie.
    Bill Finzer

    Hi Jo,

    I believe you have uncovered a new bug! I thought that all you had to do is to make a new slider and rename it to have the name of the lost slider. But this doesn’t work. It should.

    So, what you have to do is create a new slider and name it differently than the lost slider, say “age_filter” (with the underscore character). Now modify the formula (or formulas) that refer to “agefilter” to refer to “age_filter” instead.

    Everything should be fine again.


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