Line plots

CODAP Forums CODAP Help Forum Line plots

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  • #796 Score: 0
    Joachim Engel

    I noticed some welcome progress on the modeling facilities with CODAP (wonderful!!), but I also ran into a problem. I’d like to make a connecting line on a scatterplot to illustrate trends (here how the Gini-Index, a measure for inequality) evolves over the years for different countries.  In the CODAP version of about a months ago I managed easily to connect and color these lines country for country, which was a nice display of different trends. If I try the same now, then the end of one time series lines is connected with the beginning of the next line (and the different colors are gone). Can you help me with a way around this??

    Help is highly appreciated.

    Here is the document:

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Bill Finzer.
    Bill Finzer

    Hi Joachim,

    CODAP determines how to group connected lines by the grouping at the leftmost level of the case table. So you can produce the effect you want by dragging the country attribute to the left in you case table so that it forms a new level.

    If the legend attribute is the same as the grouping attribute, then the points and lines will get the same colors.


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