Slider shifts not reflected in case values

CODAP Forums CODAP Help Forum Slider shifts not reflected in case values


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    Jo Louie

    I created a slider that specifies a parameter “age_threshold = 25,” and I use this parameter in a new variable that I created called “agefilter” to designate individuals under 25 as “young” and those 25+ as “not young.” When I move the slider such that age_threshold = 20 or age_threshold = 10, the values “young” and “not young” do not change appropriately for the variable “agefilter” in my case table. The original parameter of age_threshold = 25 appears to persist in the definition of “agefilter.” Do I need to re-create the “agefilter” variable after I change the age_threshold value in order for the case values for “agefilter” to shift accordingly?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Jo Louie.
    Dan Damelin

    Hi Jo,

    It would be helpful if you could provide a share link to the document showing this issue.

    Bill Finzer

    Hi Jo,

    I second Dan’s request for a share link. I tried to duplicate your problem and came up with this document. It has a slider that dynamically affects the value of the attribute group.


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