Small data base on archeological sites in Mexico

CODAP Forums CODAP Help Forum Small data base on archeological sites in Mexico

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    Hugo Hernández


    I’m using CODAP within an on-line education project and I’ve built a small data base about some pyramids in Mexico. I hope my future on-line students may find it useful, but I’d like to share it here if it is of some interest for the CODAP comunity. How can I do that?

    Best regards

    Hugo Hernandez Trevethan.

    Bill Finzer

    ¡Hola Hugo!

    It’s wonderful to hear that you’re using CODAP in this way. Truth be told, we don’t yet have an easy way for users to share documents with the user community. But perhaps now is the time. Would you mind sending a link to a shared view of your pyramids data so we can take a look?

    And BTW, are you and your on-line users using the Spanish version of CODAP? If so, do you have any recommendations for improving the localization?


    Hugo Hernández

    Hi, Bill!

    It’s a pleasure chating with you, as it always has been.

    Let’s try with the shared link then. Here is the project:

    I hope it to be useful.

    As for your questions, I’m still on designing the courses and I’m using the english version. One of them will be in MOOC format and the other in MOODLE format. In both formats I intend embeding CODAP direct into the courses screens.

    Soon I’ll be working with the production team and I pretend to go to the spanish version and find out how it goes. I’ll tell you about the results.

    Best wishes!


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Bill Finzer.
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