Strange behavior while trying to capture graph screenshot

CODAP Forums CODAP Help Forum Strange behavior while trying to capture graph screenshot

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    The previous problem with Chrome and graph screenshots has been solved partly. Now, I don’t get the error message, but most of the times, when I try to make a graph screenshot the graphic editor opens up with a blank image, but…. if I save the image to a file, the graph is there.

    I’m using Chrome 66.0.3359.139 (Build oficial) (64 bits) under Mac OSX 10.13.4




    Just to add that the problem is just with Chrome. Firefox and Safari work fine.




    Jonathan Sandoe

    Hi Cristían,

    Thank you for reporting this. The video is especially helpful. I am sorry you are having this difficulty with CODAP, though.

    I can’t say I understand what is going on. When I try the same thing here, with either the English or Spanish version, I see a proper image in the Draw Tool. We will keep trying, though.

    I noticed one interesting thing from the video, though. The draw tool borders, when it opened, was not sized to fit the drawing canvas. That is an indication that the Draw Tool plugin was not able to communicate with CODAP. Normally, when the Draw Tool or any other CODAP plugin starts, it tells CODAP how big a window to make. I could not see from the video what the exact URL was. This may provide a clue as to why CODAP was unable to communicate. If you would be so kind as to provide the exact URL, this could be very helpful.


    Jonathan Sandoe


    Hi Jonathan,

    Basically is every URL with any CODAP file you load. I tried today again with this URL:




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